Steve Andrews

Steve Andrews

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My "Where are my good jeans" Weekend in Pictures

This weekend I had two projects I wanted to get done. The first was pretty simple, installing new LED bulbs in one of the spot lights outside my house. Both bulbs were out so at night my drive was in total darkness. The only challenge was getting someone to hold the ladder so I wouldn't fall off. I'm writing this so you know I didn't fall. Thank You James. The other project was finding my good DKNY Jeans. All summer I've been wearing shorts. Now it's jeans time again. Sadly, I did not find the jeans. They're not in my closet or any of the drawers in my bedroom. I'm starting to think maybe my dog Millie might have ruined them when we first adopted her. She had a lot of anxiety at the time and was chewing everything. The good news is I did find another pair of jeans my son Matt gave me a few months ago. They're Levi's and I guess my first string pair for now. I'm wearing them today. I think my caboose looks pretty good in them. Speaking of my son Matt: In a few weeks he is expecting his first child with his wife Jessica. They posted a beautiful picture this weekend on their page. They both looked so happy. So I'm proudly sharing it here too. My son James stopped by on Saturday and he was very happy. Last month I gave him money for new running boards on his truck for his birthday. He wanted me to see how great they looked!

On Saturday night we did drive to Olive Garden for the "Endless Pasta Bowl." I managed to finish two bowls. The first was spaghetti with meat sauce. Then I tried the rigatoni. Both were very good. My daughter and her boyfriend joined us and we all had a much needed relaxing meal out. The weekend did have one sour note. On Saturday I got a jury duty notice. I understand it is a person's civic duty to serve. However, for some occupations it's a lot more disruptive than others. I will most likely have to pre-record my show if I am picked. Jurors receive only 9 bucks a day. Hey Pennsylvania. How about giving jurors at least enough to afford a decent lunch?